Adventures of Audrey

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

hauling rocks!

So I haven't posted in awhile. It's not that I haven't had time, it's more like I've done soo much and I just don't know what to post. We had a bunch of Hutterites at camp today. They're super fun. In the afternoon there wasn't too much for me to do, so I was told to go haul rocks. We just got some new rocks to put by the play structure and they all needed to be spread out. This was quite the task. They may have only been little pebbles, but there were lots of them. Some of the hutterite kids thought they'd help me which I thought was great. It just meant that I had to watch them shovel into a wheelbarrow while watching the other ones slide on the slide and figure out where to put the rocks. What an adventure! "Audrey! Watch me!" was a phrase I heard every ten seconds. Now just try to imagine that with a hutterite accent. Too funny!!! So for two hours this afternoon I hauled rocks and I have a feeling that I'm gonna be pretty sore tomorrow, let's hope not though.
That's all for now folks,


Blogger Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

I loved it when the Hutterites came to camp! They are so much fun!!!

11:23 AM  

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