Adventures of Audrey

Friday, June 23, 2006

So, today I brought my car to my dad to get an oil change. He gives me free ones which is very nice. I figured I'd try to look smart and not so "I'm a helpless girl" ish by buying the filter and the oil and bringing it with me. Well, that sure worked out. I bought the wrong kind of filter and the wrong kind of oil and not enough oil. There goes that for trying to look not so helpless. We could still use the oil though which was good, but who knew there was so many different kinds of oil filters. Like, they should totally teach this in high school, come on! Yeah, so that's my blurb for the day and now I know what I need when I need an oil change. haha!
Audrey the great (but not when it comes to cars!)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

This evening I went to Stanley Park with my little sister for the big brothers/big sisters wiener roast. Boy, did we ever have a fun time. We had hot dogs and marshmallows. We also played capture the flag after. I really enjoyed this evening not just because of the food and games, but also because I really felt that me and my little sister were connecting and she was being more talkitive. It helped me to feel that I am making a difference in her life and she does actually enjoy hanging out with me. It was real encouaging to see her out there laughing and having fun. I think the big brother big sister program is a really neat program and often I think I overlook how hard being a single parent is. This evening I got to meet some of the parents too and wow I'm sure glad I'm not a single mother let alone a mother. Parenthood is a big scary thing for me- not yet for a long time. I enjoy spending time with children and if there is any one else out there who does to I would encourage you to consider big brothers big sisters. They always need more volunteers. So yeah that was my evening. Later dudes.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Be You

It takes a lot of courage to be different,
to develop your own beliefs and seek them...
to build you own dreams, and live them...

Being yourself is the only way to let others really know you...

And only if they really know you will they be able to truely love you.
-Larry S. Chengges

This little ditty was given to my on a magnent by a friend of mine. I have it on my fridge in hopes that it will remind me to be me. Sadly enough I don't notice it that often. I, as I'm sure many others do also, find it hard to be me around people. I want other people to like me and sometimes this becomes so important I forget who I am. Sometimes I remember after I've made a fool of myself by trying to be someone I'm not. So who am I? Well, I am a child of God deeply loved and special. If you want to know more, you'll just have to spend more time with me and get to know. I want to challenge all of you to be the "real" you as often as possible, not caring what others may think, and knowing you are loved and there is forgivness in Christ.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Today was a slow day at work today. I had work most of the time, but there was an hour in the morning where I had nothing to do. So I got to sand away and this one piece of wood and collect the saw dust from it. I couldn't figure out why I was doing this, so I asked somene. Apparently, we use the saw dust to mix with glue to make putty to fix stuff with. Weird! This must be a mennonite run company if we even reuse the saw dust! That's my little tidbit for the day!
Keep on the sunny of life,
Audrey the (sometimes) great

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Okay, so I haven't posted for awhile. Why you ask? I've been a little busy.... being lazy. Sad excuse, I know.
So last sunday I had the privilige of going to my brother's church and seeing him get baptized. For starters I just want to say how proud I am of of him. So, Ed if you read this, thanks for being a great brother and I love you to bits and peices. I was amazed at how warm and friendly the people were at my brother's church. When we, my parents and Grandparents and I, walked in we were greeted by a lady who gave us all hugs. We were still a little early for the service so we were just waiting around in the lobby and about five different people came and greeted us and introduced themselves and found out who we were. I was very impressed with these people, they didn't have a clue who we were, yet still they welcomed us and made us feel at home. This got me thinking..... Do I go out of my way to greet visitors? Will I not just only introduce myself, but also start a conversation with others? I wonder if the early church was as welcoming and accepting as my brother's church. I would like to challenge all of us to be bold and welcome visitors and get to know them as if they were friends. So yeah... that's my post of the day.