Adventures of Audrey

Sunday, April 30, 2006

some thoughts on heaven

God never promised us that life would be easy. So why, I wonder, do we always expect things to be peachy all the time? Why do we freak out when things are tough? God already told us that in this world we would have trouble. We can find peace in spite of this knowing that Christ has overcome the world. We can celebrate even in hard times knowing that one day we, all who put their faith in Jesus Christ, will be reunited with him and we will live with him in paradise, where nothing ever goes wrong. This is one truth that I have been clinging a lot lately. I long for the day when I will meet my Jesus in Heaven. I long to know my mom, the real her, not the person that is trapped in unforgiveness and bitterness. Sometimes I get distracted by the temporary things of this world. I get so caught up with things like friends or money and such that sometimes I forget to hope for heaven. I go through stages where I’m satisfied with this world and don’t want more. God wants us all to long for heaven, to live life on earth, knowing that he has something even better for us. Sometimes it’s hard not to just settle for something that will bring us temporary pleasure or happiness. But, heaven will bring us real happiness. We will be made perfect and all our brokenness will be made whole. This is one thing that excites me greatly. What are your thoughts?

Friday, April 28, 2006

Here's to you EFL!

So, I got my car back today!!! I missed as sad as that sounds, but I did. I figured I'd do a post about how great my car is now. My car is an 89 honda accord EX1. Yeah, I know my cars! Her name is EFL. Why EFL, you ask? Cuz those are the first 3 letters on the licence plate. I love my car cuz it's a honda. There's just something about honda's that makes me smile. Whenever I read an interesting book bout a chick getting a guy she's usually, not always, but usually driving a honda. So, one day it'll be my turn. Yeehaw. While my car was getting fixed, I had my parents' car and I thought the stereo was way better than mine, but now that I have my car back the stereo seems better than before. It's wierd, I know. The windshieldwipers are now aligned properly too!! My car has flip lights, so I feel like I'm in back to the future when I drive it. Could it get any better? I think not! Well probably, but the grass is always greener on the other side. The only thing I don't like about my car is that it's white. I've always pictured white cars to be sorta mamma's boy cars. Maybe it's just me, but that's how I feel. But yeah I love my car.

Please comment on something if you read this, I'm getting sick of checking for comments and not finding any. It makes me sad. I feel like no one pays attention to me! Okay, the whining is done now. I just had to get that out.

That's all for now,

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My home

So.... I live in a basement suite in Rienfeld. My landlords, who live upstairs, are a family who have recently moved from Gremany. They are young at heart, have two children and never cease to amuse me. Here are some unusal things about them that make me laugh:
1. They love to listen to techno music very loud
2. They have a two car garage and don't often park their car in it
3. They have a tractor to clear the snow.... but it's broken and they won't get it fixed
4. For a while they had a big trampoline set up in their garage
5. They bought their son a recorder.... so annoying!
6. Last night I was just getting ready to go to sleep, things were all quiet... and then I hear their daughter belting out something in song ( I don't know what she was trying to sing, but it was loud and off-key)
7. They have a sign saying, "Please turn off light before you leafe"
Sometimes I see or hear these crazy things and I just shake my head and laugh. You should come visit me sometime and I'm sure I'll have more stories for you.
The Amazing Audrey

Friday, April 21, 2006

Boredom and Car trouble

Have you ever realized that the moment you can't go anywhere you automatically want to go somewhere. That's where I'm at right now. My car is having problems and I'm not sure exactly what's wrong. My dad is coming to look at it tommorrow, but I'm sooo bored now! I know it's some kind of oil leak but other than that I'm not sure. My dad said he though it could be the head casket which could cost up to two thousand dollars. Please pray that it's not that. I can't afford that!!! So now I'm sitting here at my computer and worrying my brains out. I can't go anywhere and I'm stuck in a villiage with no one I know. I'm trapped, Help!!! Grrr to that.
That what's kickin with me now

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Sometimes some of life's situations or decisions are like taking cough medicine. You don't have to take cough medicine if you don't want to, but you know that it will make you get better. Sometimes in life there are things that we should do to help us get better, to help us heal from prvious failures or emotional pain that we've so neatly bearied deep inside ourselves. When I was prepaing my testimony for getting baptised a few years ago I went through a process like that. I though that it would be the hardest to put my grade twelve year and storries of depression down on paper, but I was wrong. It was my jr. high experience that was so difficult to relive and remember. I remeber that trying for about an hour to get that part written out. I had to stop several times because my eyes were blurry from crying. I think at that time there was still a piece of me that had let go of those angry feelings of bitterness to my peers who made life hard for me, but by going through that painful process of remembering it I think I was able to put it behind me and heal a bit more. I didn't have to do this but I chose to. I didn't 'realize I still needed to heal, but the whole painful process showed me that I did. I think I'm kinda at a similar crossraod in my life now. I'm faced with a decison to make, knowing that I could take the hard, and possibly painful road and get some healing that I know I need, or to just sit back and do nothing and bury the pain deeper inside me untill I burst. I want to heal, but I don't want to take the hard road. I'm stubborn so if I start down that road I know I can't quit, that might be worse than not even starting. So here goes nothing, hard road here I come.

Monday, April 17, 2006


So, Yesterday my post was pretty depressing. The ironic thing is, I was planning on it being a very happy one. Sometimes it just takes one little or big thing to ruin the day though. So here's the happy stuff I wanted to share yesterday but didn't.
On the weekend I watched a few movies, they were pretty good. I noticed a common theme in all of them that I thought was kinda cool. In each movie atleast one person was able to change another person's life or somehow affect their life in a positive way. This is how I want to live my life. I want everyone who comes in to contact with me to be changed for the better or atleast affected in some positive way. I think this is what God expects of us too, so if I know you I hope that I have somehow made your life better or happier and if not come see me sometime or give me a call, I'm sure we can change that. hehehehe.
Work was really good today. I had fun laughing at myself and wondering if anyone else could see what a fool I was making of myself. I'm sure no one else could and it was just me thinking stuff, but hey sometimes when I try to be cool it's funny. I'm soo not cool! But whatever, being a nerd ain't so bad. Anyways happy nice weather days, I had my first slurppee of the season and was it ever good.
later y'all
Audrey the Great

Sunday, April 16, 2006


I spent this easter weekend in Altona at my parents place. I enjoyed getting together with friends alot, but spending time with my family was not so great. If you don't know my family situation, well maybe someday you should ask me. I consantly felt like I wasn't good enough there and didn't know who to be. I went to church with them today and felt that I had to fore myself to stay. I just wanted to run out of that Church. I saw university students had come home and they brought their boyfriends with them. Great, I thought, and look at me. What am I doing with my life? Not much. It was pretty discouraging being there. I'm now back home at my place, but I still feel broken. I want to help my mom, but I don't know how. I feel trapped in a shell and I have no idea how to get out. Yeah, that's my life right now, please pray for me.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ordinary days

Lately I've had a lot of repetition in my life. I get up do some cleaning, and go to work. If I'm on days then you just switch the order. Life has felt too easy for awhile and I find myself trying to be content yet not get complacent. Now what's the difference, well I asked my friend Webster. Content means satisfied, yet complacent means self-satisfied. I want to be satisfied in Christ, not myself, cuz I of all people should know how hard I am to please. A song that's been on my mind lately is "These Ordinary Days" by Jars of Clay.

Not much for Conversation,
I still find need to pray.
Sometimes I get tired of walking through these ordinary days.
If nothing else I get to see you even if we never speak.
The harm of words is sometimes why we don't quite know what they mean.
I don't know where,
I don't know how.
I don't know why,
but your love can make these things better.
Let me lay down in this field and stare up at the sky.
I hope these days and clouds turn into something as they pass us by.
Maybe you could settle for a skyline faded blue.
I hope that you might settle for this love I have for you.
I don't know where,
I don't know how.
I don't know why,
but your love can make these things better.

So yah, that's what's been in my head lately. I'd love to hear how others of you are doing, leave a comment sometime or call me up.
Until then, keep looking up to him,

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm a blessing!

So guess what? I cleaned my room today. Not just a quick pick up like I ussually do, but I dusted and vaccumed and put away my card table. I've decided to put the jigsaw puzzles aside for summer and try to do more stuff outside. And boy oh boy is it ever getting nice today. I was cooking at work. wowie! I had a good day at work today despite the heat. I even got called a blessing. That was kinda neat. I was try to help one other guy find some missing panels and they just weren't showing up..... but the I found them and some other missing ones. They were on the floor underneath the clamp. I have no idea how they got there, but who cares... I found them. Yep, that was my day. Later dudes and dudettes... keep on the sunny side of life!
Audrey the Great

Saturday, April 08, 2006

What a crazy world

This morning I started thinking about all the people I know and how many of them are hurting. There's quite a few hurting people. It hurts me to know that they are hurting and I can't take away the pain. We live in a fallen world and I think everyone hurts at times. It is my hope that I can be a light to this crazy world and help others see the joy of Jesus. Just a thought that's been on my mind so yah...
This world truely is a crazy place. I had to call Canada Revenue or whatever to find out about my income tax return cuz I haven't gotten it yet. I might have to fill out a form saying I didn't get it and wait even longer for it. Crazy!
That's my life today. Craziness

I can't sleep

So it's almost three in the morning and I can't sleep. Grr to that. What's on my mind now... hmm well I'm trying to figure out what certain people meant when they said certain things. I'm not getting to far with that unfortunately. I think a lot of times I think I know someone so I create an image of who they are in my mind and usually I'm wrong. But such is life. Well any who I'm gonna go look at some flyers now and maybe make a shopping list.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

new shoe laces

I had to buy some new shoe laces yesterday because mine broke. I got up early yesterday and was going to go for a nice long walk. But unfortunately, just as I started, my shoe lace broke and I had to go home. These shoe laces look stronger, so I think they'll last awhile, they're working pretty good so far. You all must think I'm kinda strange, blogging about new shoe laces. Well, I am a little strange, but little things like that excite me. Yesterday I also had a moment of discontentment as you see in my previous blog. I doing better now. I think every one feels discontent at times and it might not always be a bad thing. I know that this world is not my home and I'm just a traveling through. Feeling discontent may suck a lot, but if it leads you to long for heaven, just ride the wave and know that one day there will be no more discontentment ever. I don't know if that makes much sense, but whatever. I like the phrase "ride the wave". hehehe

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

hey all

So, I'm gonna start blogging here so you can know what I'm up to. Right now, I'm sitting in my living room doing nothing and missing my friends. I miss the fun times, the fun talks, and all that other that stuff. Now that I'm in the working world, its harder to find time for some of my friends. And then there are those friends who I see quite often. I know I sound demanding but I want to see my friends now and do something with them.... not have to wait untill the weekend. Yeah, I feeling kinda selfish and wanting to put me first. I tried to call Christina, but she wasn't home. I wish I had some one to talk to right now cuz I'm kinda bored. I have a job and it's not all that bad. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. I just don't like the hours. I don't like that I sit at home for two weeks during the day while on evenings. I feel so far away from everyone else. I like my life here, but sometimes, like now, I just have those moments of discontentment.
But anyways enough of me complaining. I have an interesting story to tell. Just a few minutes ago, the phone rang. I answered it, Hello..... no response(oh great I love those calls). They, whoever had phoned me then put me on hold for awhile and then told me that there was no one available to take my call. I didn't call you, you called me and now you want to put me on hold!!!! The nerve of some people! Well thats my story, hope it made you laugh.
ta ta for now