Adventures of Audrey

Friday, September 29, 2006


So I've been 21 for a whole whoppin two days! It's pretty fun, well actually just as fun as 20. I got my car back today and it looks so pretty all shined up and all. But anywho in my last post I said I'd let you know what my theme passage for this year was going to be. It's Joshua 1:6-9. The " be strong and courageous, do not be teriffied" passage. So yeah we'll see how this year turn put. I have a felling it'll be a blast of fun.
Thanks to all those who came over yesterday for my birthday, you really made my day special, oh and if anyones wants some cake just come on down, I still have 1 and a half cakes left. Hahahaha! Oh dear!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Good-bye twenty, Hello twenty one

Well, I guess I'm gonna be another year older tommorrow. Birthdays have sometimes been interesting for me. On my seventeenth birthday my parents forgot, and on my nineteenth I almost forgot, so I guess we're even. It's funny to think that I'll be twentyone tommorrow. I remember a few years ago how I was think about getting married to a certain someone at about this age. I'm glad God had other plans, cause I would've have been too blinded to enjoy these past years, being at camp and learning how to live life on my own with God has been quite the adventure. I can truely say, "God is good!"
For some odd reason, Septmeber has always been like New Years for me. It's when i tend to look back on the past year and look to the next year. This past year was a year filled with changes and learning. Living on my own, well sorta on my own, I've learnt alot. I've gained alot of respect for my dad and how he managed his money to support my brother, my mom and I. I learnt how to cook for myself and how to care for a car, well maybe I'm still learning that too, but I've learnt a lot about managing money. A couple of years ago I started choosing a passage for the bible that spoke to me and using it as my theme for the year. This past year my passage was John15:1-17, the vine passage. the part that stuck out to me the most was where it said "remain in me and I will remain in you." So all I gotta do is stay with God and he'll stay with me, simple enough, right? Well, try telling that to someone when their first paycheck is missing or their car breaks down for the third time. Tell trying that to someone when during their first two weeks of work they are told they might not be good enough for the job. Looking back I can see how God has used that passage to teach me manny things. Although this year wasn't easy it was good an di'm looking forward to this next year and what God has to teach me through my next theme passage of the year. (You'll find that one out tomorrow)

Monday, September 25, 2006

I'm a clutz

This weekend, I found myself becoming a bit of a clutz. It'll all started on friday evening. I was in Altona visiting one of my friends. We were baking brownies and when ever she bakes she always has a can of a pop, so she gave me one too. We were just about to start when she realized that we didn't have one ingredient that she needed. So she sent her mom to get it. Just before her mom left, (here comes my clutzy moment) I dropped my unopened can of pop and it exploded and made a mess everywere. I felt so awful. So, thats the first clutz story.
Story number two: I was just getting out of my car at Chicken chef where I was going for supper with Beth and Irena. I get and take my purse, only my purse comes out upside down and spills all over the place. Everything fell out and papers were blowing ing the wind. Yes it's true I am a clutz.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

another adventure

Wow, I love fall weather! I love how it gets cooler in the morning, warms up in the afternoon, and then cools off for some really nice evenings. This evening I went for a walk. I was kinda bored and maybe feeling a little melancholy after watching a sappy chick flick. But as I continued on my walk I really started to enjoy myself. I just let my mind wander and looked around watching my surroundings. I saw some pretty interesting things. One thing I love about Morden is how there are so many old Victorian style houses. I walked past a few and admired them and imagined memories of long ago townspeople. Morden is a town of history. It's written all over, on buildings, street corners and paintings. As I walked passed the chinese restaurant on Stephen St, a Chinese man, the owner I presumed, was sitting outside playing a wooden flute. It sounded so beautiful, I wondered what his story was. Did he have family back in China? Did he miss them? How was business going these days? A young boy was with him, sweeping the front walk. The restaurant was still open but no one was inside. Were all the new fancy fast food restaurants making business slow for this man? As I continued walking I ended up at Giant Tiger. I went in and found some beautiful socks, so I just had to splurge. I also found some Cajun snack mix, which I munched on as I continued walking. A cat sauntered across the back of a couch, a group of teenagers revved their engines as the pulled away from their slurppee stop. When I returned home, I found a penny right in front of my door. Lucky me! It was a wonderful walk and I wish I could have taken pictures but even pictures from a camera wouldn't do justice to the pictures in my imagination.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

What's your beef

So, here's my beef for today. I went and filled up my car this afternoon and gas was at 97.4. So, I'm thinkin to myself... well that's not too bad, didn't cost too much to fill it, sweet. Then this evening, I go out and what do I see... the price of gas has dropped again!!!! It's now 95.9. Why couldn't I have waited til then!!! grr. yeah so that's my little beef feel free to laugh and my mennoniteish ways. Har har har.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hi all!
So, finally another post from me. Some people thought I disapeared or maybe just wondered why no new posts for so long. So here's the story... About a month ago I moved to a different apartment in Morden. It's a pretty nice looking place and is convinently located two buildings away from where I work. So this still doesn't explain why I haven't posted for a while. Well it just took forever to get my internet hooked up but they finally came by today and it's up and running yay! Well that's all for now, I'm kinda fighting a cold so maybe I'll post more stories later.
bye bye