Adventures of Audrey

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

So, here's a hypothetical conversation that I could have had with God today at work.

God: Hey Audrey, I think you should get some new glasses
Me: Why, these are just fine, they're only a little loose
God: No, I really think you should get some new ones
Me: No, I can just bend them a little like this and the they fit fine
Me: Well, God, maybe you were right, I do need new glasses

So even though this conversation didn't really happen, I like to imagine that it could've. I broke my glasses at work today, wasn't planning on breaking them, it just sorta happened. The funny thing is, I wasn't super upset like maybe I should've been. One of the first thoughts that popped into my mind after this happened was something that my Aunt told me when I was having lots of car trouble and I wasn't sure if I needed a new car or not. She said, "Audrey, God knows what you need." So I guess it's time for new glasses. Yeehaw!
That's all for now