Adventures of Audrey

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Road trip!!!!!

So I went on a bit of a spur of the moment road trip this afternoon. I drove all the way to Steinbach all by myself and only got confused a couple of times as to where I was going. Why did I go to Steinbach you might be wondering.... well I went to go visit someone. Who? A someone by the name of Randy. It was quite the evening once I got there. We went for supper at A&W and then went to go see Abe's hill. Apparently it's the only hill in Steinbach, but anyways... Then we went to the city and saw Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles.... pretty funny movie. I think my favorite character was Michelangelo, he was pretty nutty. Now I'm home and my dishes still aren't done... oops! Oh well, time to hit the hay now.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

God's love for us

So, it was another good day today at work. I like having these good days. While I was working I found myself thinking about a conversation that I recently had with someone. I felt that I was being extremely annoying but still they put up with me. Most of my friends know me quite well, they might not know everything about me but they still accept me and love me for who I am. This got me thinking about God's love. He knows everything about me, the good stuff and the bad stuff. He accepts me as a friend despite all the dirt in my heart. WOW! Romans 8:35+38-39 says "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?.... For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." I think I definitely saw these verses in a new way today, it was pretty neat and just made the day go by so much nicer.

Monday, March 26, 2007

If you don't understand this post, that's okay

So I went to go see the dinner theatre and wbc last night.... super funny. I really enjoyed and was glad I went. Good food, good entertainment, and good friends! Could it get any better? I went to work today and spent most of the day working in a blurr. Due to a change of events in life or something like that I found myself sleep deprived and giddy. Needless to say it made for an interesting day. I just did my dishes and thankfully I'm slowly starting to mellow out from the giddyness... sleep will come tonight I hope. If this post seems kind of random and doesn't seem to make much sense.... well that's ok maybe that's the way it's supposed to be. Enjoy all the good things God has blessed you with.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just for you, Liane

So once again, I've been kinda lazy on the posting part, but Liane told me to post something today at church and that's what I'm doing now. The weather is nice outside and that's nice I love it... the warmth, the sunshine, it just puts a smile in my heart.
Last thursday I went to visit my Grandma and she was going to teach me how to knit. I thought I could pick it up pretty quick and it would be a fun and cheap hobby. Well.... knitting is definetly not as easy as I thought it would be. Most of the time while my Grandma was teaching me we spent laughing and laughing because I couldn't get it quite. I understood the concept of what I was supposed to do, but getting my fingers to do what I wanted them to do was another thing. I just couldn't do it. A few days later I was thinking about that and it got me thinking how sometimes life as a Christian is like that. Sometimes we know what we'er supposed to do, but doing it is a lot harder than we thought. We may get the concept of God's love, but do we really get it? Sometimes I look at my life and and see clearly where I could serve God or be a light for him, but I just don't get it right. What is it that holds me back? Sometimes I'm afraid of what other people may think or say, knowing that sometimes God calls us to do strange things. I wonder how Noah must have felt. There he was in the middle of just land, building a big boat because God had called him to. Jesus talked with people who no one else would talk to because they were outcasts or unclean. I wonder how he felt or if he ever got funny looks or whispers from the so called righteous people in scociety. Sometimes I feel called to reach out to the outcasts in the world, but too often my fear of what others think holds me back. I get the concept of what God wants me to do, but just can't quite do it. I don't know how mcu sense I made but that's kinda what's been on my mind for the past while. I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts, now go outside and enjoy God's beauty and reach out the outcasts, love life... etc.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Two more weeks

So I think I'm developing a bit of a fever.... spring fever that is. Remember how as a student, it was common to get a little lazy and restless right before spring break? Well, that's how I've been feeling all day today. I just want spring to be here. I want to see grass and flowers and all the newness that spring brings. This afternoon at work I thought I could smell the snow melting, but no it's still not yet. I find myself wanting to do spring things like go out for ice cream or go swimming. Two more weeks and the spring begins officially and here's one girl who really hopes that it means that it's actually coming soon. So for now I'm just waiting and expecting. It's supposed to keep getting warmer which makes me glad. Spring oh sweet spring please come soon!

Monday, March 05, 2007

No more hiding from my pain

So, I was enjoying a nice quiet evening tonight when I noticed a change in myself that I just hadn't realized. I noticed that I tend to get more emotionally involved in movies than I used to. Iwas watching a movie called A home for Joe, just some random family movie, and I found myself almost crying during some of the really touching parts. I used to never even come close to crying during movies and now I'm slowly becoming a crier. Wierd! Then i realized that now sometimes even a song can get me. Sometimes if I'm on my own and a certain song portrays a certain emotion, it just get to me and I find myself bawling. Hmmm... is this a bad thing? I'm not sure... When was in high school one of my leader's from a missions team I was on told me that I hid myself. She said that I was afraid to be me, that I hid from reality and tried to cover up my pain with concern for others. She was right. I look back now and I think I still sometimes try to hide from reality, but I have come to a point where I can admit that I have pain and that sometimes life just plain old sucks. But along with all the crap life brings I come to see that through trusting God comes infinite blessings. I've learnt that pain is temporary but God's love and blessings last forever, and that's a stinkin' long time. Well that's all for now, just thought I'd share some thoughts. Thanks for reading, friends.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Did you know?

So I haven't posted for awhile. Why? Well it's not like I haven't' been doing nothing it's just I've been restless and I'm ready to be done at decor. I didn't really want to post anything that would sound like I was complaining or whining about my job. Yesterday at work I came up with an idea of what I could post so here goes. I thought it might be fun to post some random known or not so known facts about me.
1.I don't really like breakfast foods, I would much rather eat something like a bowl of soup or something hot like that for breakfast, but I ussaully skip it
2.When I was in grade 5 I ran smack into a hydro pole. I don't reccomend trying this, but it did get me an early birthday present out of the deal.
3.I love cats
4.I actually enjoy writing papers
5.When I was in grade nine I had an imaginary boyfriend named Carson Suederman
6.I don't like white cars and told myself I'd never drive one....well I'm on my second white car now
7.I don't really like the color pink
8.I don't really mind doing dishes (just don't tell my roomate or I'll be doing them all the time)
9.I don't really like using lotion or that kind of stuff
10.I played soccer in my first three years of high school
11.I had nemonia at the begining of grade twelve
12.When I was in grade 1 and asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I respinded by say that I wanted to be a teacher, live in Winkler so I could go to mcdonalds for lunch everyday...I've grown up since haha
13.My favorite colors are green and blue
14.I used to play the clarinet
15.I enjoy mornings
16.I'm left handed
17.One of my favorite movies is Annie
18.I have lived in 6 different houses, dorms or apartments
19.I love trees
20.I like spicy food
Well i don't want to make this list too long but maybe you learnt something new about me or whatever. That's all for now